Columbia River Cold Water Refuges Plan
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Ebersole, J.L., Quinones, R., Clements, S. and Letcher, B., 2020. Climate refugia for cold-water fishes under an expanding human footprint. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 18(5): 271-280.
Fuller, M.R., Ebersole, J.L., Detenbeck, N.E., Labiosa, R., Leinenbach, P. and Torgersen, C.E., 2021. Integrating thermal infrared stream temperature imagery and spatial stream network models to understand natural spatial thermal variability in streams. Journal of Thermal Biology: 103028.
Snyder, M., Schumaker, N.H., Ebersole, J.L., Dunham, J., Comeleo, R., Keefer, M.L., Leinenbach, P., Brooks, J.R., Cope, B., Wu, J., Palmer, J. and Keenan, D.M., 2019. Individual Based Modelling of Fish Migration in a 2-D River System: Model Description and Case Study. Landscape Ecology, 34: 737.
Snyder, M.N., Schumaker, N.H., Dunham, J.B., Keefer, M.L., Leinenbach, P., Brookes, A., Palmer, J., Wu, J., Keenan, D. and Ebersole, J.L., 2020. Assessing contributions of cold-water refuges to reproductive migration corridor conditions for adult salmon and steelhead trout in the Columbia River, USA. Journal of Ecohydraulics: 1-13.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2021. Columbia River Cold Water Refuges Plan, EPA-910-R-21-001, Seattle, WA.